What is Team Up Washington?
Team Up Washington is a violence prevention initiative that uses sports as a platform to end sexual assault and dating abuse.
The Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence trains coaches and athletic mentors using the curricula Athletes As Leaders and Coaching Boys Into Men. Student athletes are equipped with tools to build healthy relationship skills and and create a culture of safety and respect at their skills.

coaches and athletic mentors learn how to implement research-based programs with their teams:
High School Athletic coaches play an important and unique role in the lives of young men. Because of these relationships, coaches can be a powerful influence on how young men think and behave, both on and off the field. Developed by Futures Without Violence, Coaching Boys into Men is an evidence-based prevention program that equips student-athletes with the skills they need to help build a culture of safety and respect in their schools.
Athletes As Leaders is a program for high school athletes on girls’ sports teams. Athletes are empowered to take an active role in promoting healthy relationships and ending sexual violence. They are encouraged to be leaders in building a culture of safety and respect at their schools. This promising program is based on research and best practices in the field of sexual assault prevention.
CLEAR equips college coaches to teach their male athletes about healthy masculinity, positive mental health, and safe relationships through 12 short weekly discussions. Coaching Leadership, and Respect builds on the strong evidence-based and multi-national implementation of the Coaching Boys into Men program.