As coaches you already know the benefits of sports are well-documented, ranging from improved physical health to better mental health outcomes like reduced depression risk. Sports also play a crucial role in developing essential life skills, such as confidence, teamwork, and leadership.

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FAQ For Coaches
Team Up Washington trainings will equip you to implement these programs with your athletes. You will leave the training with all of the materials and skills you need to facilitate either Athletes As Leaders or Coaching Boys Into Men. You will not, however, be able to train other coaches to implement these programs. If you are a coach or team mentor who wants to implement these programs but are unable to attend our in-person trainings, there are free online trainings available.
Athletes As Leaders online training
Recorded Webinars
Toolkit Coaching Boys Into Men online training
Recorded Webinars
If you are a violence prevention advocate who wants to train coaches and team mentors, the program developers have a longer, more in-depth training they require you to complete. At this time, Team Up Washington is not offering an in-person advocate training.
You can attend one of our Team Up Washington trainings! For training dates and registration information, please visit our trainings page. What curricula do these programs use? Athletes As Leaders Coaching Boys Into Men
If you attend one of our trainings, you will receive one copy of either Athletes As Leaders or Coaching Boys Into Men free of charge. You can also order the Coaching Boys Into Men kit (laminated cards on a metal ring) here. They are currently sold for $23 per set. They also offer the PDF free of charge that allows you to print and laminate the cards yourself.
The Athletes As Leaders kit is a make-your-own binder. We suggest using a ½” binder and printing the following materials (free on the website here and here): Facilitation Guide, the 10 session complete program, and the binder cover.
We know that these programs are most successful when:
There is buy-in at all levels of the sports environment, particularly the school-administration level. We suggest you start by asking for a meeting with the athletic director and telling them about Athletes As Leaders and Coaching Boys Into Men.
Sports teams of all genders are included in the programming. We offer registration priority at our trainings to schools who commit to implementing the programs with at least one boys and one girls team, or one co-ed/all gender team.
There is support from local domestic violence and sexual assault programs. You may already be connected with an advocate or violence prevention professional. If so, great! If not, find your local programs at wscadv.org and wcsap.org.
Thanks to our event sponsors (the Seattle Seahawks, 710 ESPN Seattle, and the Seattle Mariners), we are able to offer three trainings per year in the Seattle area. We do not currently have the funding to host additional trainings.
If you have coaches who cannot make the scheduled dates, or who do not get spots in the advertised training events, consider the online trainings. If you would prefer a local in-person event and you have a large group of coaches and mentors who you want to get trained, you may consider a training contract with us.
Costs of an in-person training include:
Trainer compensation (trainers for both Coaching Boys Into Men and Athletes As Leaders): $2500
Cost of materials and curricula: $25 per participant (ex: 30 coaches = $750)
If training is outside of the greater Seattle area, cost for each trainers’ travel (mileage or flight, hotel, per diem) and time for travel will be billed.
As the event host, you must also provide:
Space for the training (including A/V set up);
Promotion of the event and registration for participants (we can provide flyer templates);
Set up and clean up for the training;
Food for participants (it is recommended to provide a meal if the training takes place during noon or evening hours).
You may optionally provide at your expense (or you may contract with us for additional cost):
Implementation tracking and evaluation;
Incentives for participation and completion of the programs. Contact us for additional information and availability.